
Kamis, 31 Desember 2009

command mig33




result is: **yournick yelling yeah**

below are emote commands list:


/spock /flirt
/mumble /embrace

Selasa, 17 November 2009

The sun and the moon story

Once upon a spring morning, the moon and the sun could both be seen in the sky. This happens from time to time, but this time they were close enough to hold a conversation. "Ho, Sun!" said the moon. "You look exceptionally bright and hot today. Are you going somewhere?" "Ha, Moon!" answered the sun. "I never go anywhere. It's you and your earth that are always rotating around and around. I stay put in the center." "Oh, Sun!" said the moon. "I'm sorry about that. Then you never get to see all the animals on my earth." "I see enough of them," said the sun scornfully. "I see alligators basking on the riverbanks, gray kangaroos hopping across the outback, and cows in the fields munching their grass. Very boring, those animals." "But, Sun...

Kamis, 05 November 2009


plend" qWuh q mSh butuh saran neh more about blog............